
Chungy - Great Hegi


Q: How do I gain more land?

A: The alteration of borders is an often arbitrary thing, but USUALLY to expand, I will AWARD you more land based on good performance. This is how countries get massive. If there's unclaimed land around you, and I think you deserve it, you will get it.

This also works reverse-ways. Be prepared to LOSE land if you go inactive for a long period of time. This is a last resort, before kicking, of course

Another way to gain land is through either invasions or negotiations with your neighbours. I have to approve all land transfers since I (zoknic) am the MAP MASTER!!! The other party must always be in consent to losing land, even if you beat them in a war. If someone doesn't want to give up land, you can't make them.

Q: How do I get stronger?

Time is your friend. The longer you stay, the more integrated you become, and the more you grow, the stronger you can claim to be. Strength is a bit abritrary on Ulina, but you'll get the discord roles to show it!

Q: What can I do?

A: Anything! And I mean that! If your question is "Can I do it?" The answer is 99% going to be YES, absolutely.

When it comes to things concerning your neighbours, like war or history, try and be COOPERATIVE, and when it comes to things like military and technology, try and be FAIR, but that's it.

In Ulina, there is NO creative limits! Futuristic, fantasy, magic, modern, antique, crazy crazy go crazy, everyone wants to see what you come up with!

Q: What should I do?

A: Often, people feel obligated to do things just because in Ulina. It's true, Ulina has activity quotas. You're expected to do... something. But, Ulina is meant to be FUN. If it's not fun, why bother? -Reggie

What you should do, is find things to make that you find ENJOYABLE and that you want to share. If it takes a while, let it take a while. We're understanding and flexible, and we want to see the BEST possible result!

And don't be afraid to take BREAKS! A lot of people ask me if it's ok if they rest for a few weeks, and I always say yes. Prioritize yourself, and come back rejuvenated and happy! We'll support you the whole time.

Also, put community first. TALK to us! Vastly more important than posting, is making friends! Our community is open and tight and we're happy to have you. Stop by for a chat!

Q: How active do I have to be? Will I get kicked?

A: Ulina's activity quotas MIGHT seem frightening at first, but I promise, they are very flexible and serve more as encouragement than punishments.

Activity is abstract in Ulina, and it can be represented in many ways. If you post every day, you're active. If you post every week, you're active. Not everyone has that kinda time. If you put out one really cool thing every so often, you're active. Even if you put out little, so long as you're engaged in the community, I'll be a little forgiving.

Real activity is how often you CHAT with us. If you're around frequently, I know you still care for Ulina, and I won't consider you inactive

Being inactive is doing absolutely nothing for long stretches of time, or very little. When it's evident you don't have Ulina on your mind, after about 4 or 5 months, depending on the situation, I'll pull the plug. I don't want activity to be something people worry about! The community is here and all you need to do is be a part of it!


A: One daunting thing about Ulina is... how much STUFF there is. Ulina is a collection of tens of countries, all with their own history, lore, and all the rest. It will always be difficult for a newcomer to wrap their head around it.

Since Ulina changes so often, and is worked on by so many different people, there's no truly efficient way to answer every lore-related question. We do have the Ulina Wiki and I'm (zoknic) working on my own Great Hegi Wiki, but these cannot answer every question, nor promise to be up to date.

The best way to pick up and learn Ulina's intricacies and culture is to chat with us! Learn as you go, you'll pick it up! Ask QUESTIONS, all the time, to anybody! You don't have to know EVERYTHING, not even I do, but never be afraid to ask! You'll be in on all of our discussions and inside jokes before you know it, and you'll be a certifiable ULINA WHIZ!

Q: Can I invite my friends?

A: Yes yes yes yes yes YES!!!! Spread Ulina to as many people as you like! We always have space, and we're always looking for new membership, and new life in our community! The claim doc is in the How to Join section , you're welcome to spread it far and wide!

Q: How does time work in Ulina? What year is it?

A: Ulina's time does not progress in real time. Simply, ONE Ulina year is equal to THREE real-time months. This means for every real time year, there will be four Ulina years. Ulina's New Year's in real time are: April 1st, July 1st, November 1st, and January 1st. The year right now is 2045, and will flip to 2046 on April 1st, 2021, in real time.

( Made with Carrd )